2. Philosophy Papers

 Journal Papers and Book Chapters

Philosophy of evolutionary biology and ecology

  1. Mutations et neutralisme.” Critique, June 2006 : 504-515
  2. « Difficultés du concept d’adaptation », Bulletin de la société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences de la vie, I, 2005, 173-197 (« Some problems with the concept of adaptation »)
  3. « Evolutionary theory in philosophical focus », Handbook of paleoanthropology.  Henke W., Tattersall I. (eds.), Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2006, chapter 2, pp.56-102.
  4. La sagesse des Dowayos ou l’éthique évolutionniste version déflationniste”, Morale et évolution biologique. Entre déterminisme et liberté, C. Clavien, C. El-Bez (eds), Lausanne, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2007, pp.246-265
  5. Titles, uses and instructions of use: the function of art and artefacts”, Facta philosophica, 2007 9(2), pp.3-21.
  6. Pourquoi ne fait-on pas de montres en caoutchouc ? La détermination des parties fonctionnelles» (« Determining the function of parts »), Le tout et les parties, T. Martin (ed.), Paris, Vuibert, 2008.
  7.  “Evolutionary explanationEncyclopedia of systems biology. W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, K. Cho, H.Yokota (Eds.) Dordrecht: Springer. 2011
  8. Developmental explanationEncyclopedia of systems biology. W. Dubitzky, O. Wolkenhauer, K. Cho, H.Yokota (Eds.) Dordrecht: Springer. 2011
  9. « Dynamical Emergence and Computation: An Introduction », Minds & Machines, 18:425–430 (with Paul Humphreys)
  10. Emergence and adaptationMinds and Machines, special issue, Humphreys and  Huneman (eds), 2008, 18: 493-520.
  11. Combinatorial vs. computational emergence: emergence made ontological?Philosophy of science, , 75 (December 2008) pp. 595–607
  12.  «L’individualité biologique et la mort », Philosophie, 2009, 1 : 63-90.
  13.  “ Evolution, Organic” in Encylopedia of time, Birx J. (ed.), London: Sage publisher, 2009, pp.482-487.
  14. “What does the evolutionary transitions program tell us about adaptation ?” Proceedings of the Levels of selection and individuality Workshop, ECAL 2009.
  15.  “Selection”, Les mondes darwiniens, Heams, Huneman, Lecointre & Silberstein (eds.), Paris, Syllepses, 2009, pp.47-86
  16. (with E. Machery) Introduction à “La psychologie évolutionniste”, section 4 in Les mondes darwiniens, Heams, Huneman, Lecointre & Silberstein (eds.), Paris, Syllepses, 2009, pp.769-778
  17. ”Determinism and predictability : lessons from computational emergence”,  Synthese, 2012, 185(2): 195-214.
  18. Assessing the prospects for a return of organisms in evolutionary biology”, History and philosophy of life sciences, 2010, 32,  2/3: 341-372.
  19. Fonction et adaptation : une démarcation conceptuelle.” in Fonctions et explication fonctionnelle dans les sciences biomédicales et humaines, Gayon J., de Ricqles A. (eds.), Paris, PUF, 2010, pp.139-158.
  20. Topological explanations and robustness in biological sciences.” Synthese, 2010, 177: 213-245.
  21.  “Computer sciences meet evolutionary biology: issues in gradualism”, Special sciences and the unity of science, Rahman S., Pombo O., Symons J. (eds.), LEUS Series, Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, pp.137-162.
  22. Weak realism in the etiological theory of functions”, in Functions : selection and mechanisms, Huneman (ed.), “Synthese library”, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, pp.105-13.
  23. The conceptual foundations of ecological engineering. Stability, individuation, ethics.“ Barot S., Lacroix G. (eds.), Environmental Sciences  Procedia, Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2011, 9: 72-82
  24. “Emergence computationnelle, causalité et objectivité : éléments d’une approche théorique alternative.”   in Modéliser et simuler. Varenne F. et Silberstein M. (eds.) Paris: Matériologiques, 2013.
  25. Emergence et vitalisme” in Vie, vivant, vitalisme. P. Nouvel (ed.), Paris: PUF, 2011.
  26. Natural selection: a case for the counterfactual approach”, Erkenntnis, 2012, 76: 171-194. [pdf]
  27. Adaptation in transitions” Bouchard F., Huneman P. (eds.) From Groups to Individuals. Cambridge : MIT Press, 2012, in press
  28. Causal parity and externalisms:  extensions in life and mind.”Minds and machines, 23 (3):377-404 (2013).
  29. .Inscrutability and the opacity of selection and drift: distinguishing epistemic and metaphysical aspects.” Erkenntnis,  (2015) 80:491–518
  30. Assessing statistical views of natural selection: is there room for non local causation?”  Studies in History and Philosophy of Biology and Biomedical Sciences C, 44 (2013): 604–612
  31. Formal Darwinism as a tool for understanding the status of organisms in evolutionary biology.”  Biology and Philosophy, 2014 (29) :271-279.
  32. Kant vs. Leibniz in the Second Antinomy: Organisms Are Not Infinitely Subtle Machines.” Kant Studien, 2014, 105 (2): 155-195.
  33. A Pluralist Framework to Address Challenges to the Modern Synthesis in Evolutionary Theory”. Biological Theory, 9(2), 2014: 163-177.
  34. Individuality as a Theoretical Scheme. I. Formal and Material Concepts of Individuality”, Biological Theory, 2014, 9, 4:361-373.
  35. Individuality as a Theoretical Scheme. II. About the Weak Individuality of Organisms and Ecosystems” Biological Theory, 2014, 9, 4: 374-381“Mapping an expanding territory: computer simulations in evolutionary biologyHistory and philosophy of life sciences, 2014, 36 (1): 60-89
  36. (with Mael Lemoine) “Introduction: the plurality of modeling.” History and philosophy of life sciences, 2014, 36 (1): 5-15
  37. A Pluralist Framework to Address Challenges to the Modern Synthesis in Evolutionary Theory”. Biological Theory, 9(2), 2014: 163-177.
  38. Introduction. A revival in the philosophy of medicine.” In Huneman P., Lambert G., Silberstein M., New essays in the philosophy of medicine. Dordrecht: Springer, “History, Philosophy & Theory in Biology”, 2014, pp. vii-xx.
  39. “Introduction. Diversités empirique et théorique du concept de biodiversité.” Versatile biodiversité. Etudes critiques sur la biodiversité. Casetta E., Delord J. (eds.) Paris: Matériologiques, 2014, pp. 13-28.
  40. “Biologie évolutionniste, vie artificielle et algorithmes: sur l’épistémologie des modèles computationnel Les modèles et le réel en physique. J.M. Levy & G. Cohen Tannoudji (eds.), Paris : Matériologiques, 2014, pp.107-145.
  41. Evolutionary theory in philosophical focus.” Wholly revised and improved version of (3). Handbook of paleoanthropology. Springer-Reference, 2014. http://www.springerreference.com/index/chapterdbid/135037
  42. Selection” , In Heams T., Huneman P., Lecointre G., Silberstein M. (eds.) Handbook of Evolutionary thinking in the sciences. Dordrecht: Springer. 2015, in press. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9014-7_4
  43. (with E. Machery) “Evolutionary Psychology: Issues, Results, Debates.” (transl. of 16) In Heams T., Huneman P., Lecointre G., Silberstein M. (eds.) Handbook of Evolutionary thinking in the sciences. Dordrecht: Springer. 2015, in press. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9014-7_30
  44. (with S. Dutreuil) “Considérations épistémologiques sur la modélisation mathématique en biologie” In Merlin F., Hoquet T. (eds.) Précis de Philosophie de la biologie. Paris: Vuibert, 2014, pp. 79-98.
  45. Van Baalen M., Huneman P. “Organisms as Ecosystems/Ecosystems as OrganismsBiological Theory (2014) 9:357–360
  46. Redesigning the argument from design“, Paradigmi, 2015/1
  47. Biodiversity and the Diversities of Life ” Rivista di estetica, 59 (2/2015), LV, pp. 44-62.
  48. Nicolas Mouquet, Yvan Lagadeuc, Vincent Devictor, Luc Doyen, Anne Duputié, Damien Eveillard, Denis Faure, Eric Garnier, Olivier Gimenez, Philippe Huneman, Franck Jabot, Philippe Jarne, Dominique Joly, Romain Julliard, Sonia Kéfi, Gaëll J. Kergoat, Sandra Lavorel, Line Le Gall, Laurence Meslin, Serge Morand, Xavier Morin, Hélène Morlon, Gilles Pinay, Roger Pradel, Frank M. Schurr, Wilfried Thuiller and Michel Loreau. “Predictive ecology in a changing world.” Journal of applied ecology, 2015, 52, 2, 1293–1310.
  49. Diversifying the picture of explanations in biological sciences: ways of combining topology with mechanismsSynthese, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s11229-015-0808-z
  50. Berkovitz J., Huneman P. “On Probabilities in Biology and PhysicsErkenntnis (2015) 80:433–456
  51. (with Guillaume Lecointre). “L’individualité, entre logique et historicité.” In Durrive B., Henry J. (eds.), Redéfinir l’individu à partir de sa trajectoire. Paris: Matériologiques, 2014, pp. 281-298.
  52. Does emergence also belong to the scientific image? Elements of an alternative theoretical framework to conceive of emergence objectively.The Dynamics of Knowledge: From Reasoning to Epistemology and Back, J. Redmond (ed.), Springer: Dordrecht, 2015
  53. Stephen Hubbell and the Paramount Power of Randomness ” In Harman O., Dietrich M., Dreamers, Romantics and Visionaries in the Life Sciences, University of Chicago Press, 2016 (longer version)
  54. Munoz F. Huneman P., “From the neutral theory to a comprehensive and multiscale theory of ecological equivalenceQuarterly Review of Biology, 91, 3: 321-342.
  55. “Reversibilität/Irreversibilität” (here in french, originally entitled: L’irréversibilité de la vie : de la métaphysique providentialiste à la biologie néodarwinienne.). In Alter und Altern. Fuchs M. (ed.) Stuttgart: Metzler. (Forth. 2016)
  56. Variation, extension and selection: a synthesis of the reasons for a new evolutionary synthesis.” in Challenges to evolutionary theory. Development and evolution, P Huneman & D Walsh (eds.), Oxford UP, 2015
  57. “Macroevolution and Microevolution : Issues of Time Scale in EvolutionaryBiology”. Huneman P., Bouton C. (eds.), Time of Nature, Nature of Time. Springer, 2017, pp. 315-357.
  58. Huneman P., Christophe Bouton. ‘’Time Between Metaphysics and Natural Sciences: From Physics to Biology’’, in Huneman P., Bouton C. (eds.), Time of Nature and the Nature of Time. Dordrecht: Springer, 2017, pp.1-21.
  59. “Robustness as an explanandum and explanans in evolutionary biology and ecology” In Robustness in Biology and Neurosciences. Challenges for Scientific Practice (Caianiello S., Bertolaso M., Serelli E., eds.) Dordrecht, Springer , forth.
  60. “Macroévolution et microévolution. Les problèmes d’échelles de temps dans la biologie évolutive.“ in Huneman P., Bouton C. (eds) Temps de la nature et nature du temps. Paris : CNRS éditions. 2018, pp.345-368. (Adapted & translated from #49).
  61. “Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle…“ Silberstein M. (ed., Qu’est-ce que la science ?, vol. 2, 2018, pp.5-18.
  62. “Contingency, laws and random events: epistemic specificities of the neiyral theory in ecology.“ Caianiello S., Ceccarelli D. (eds.) Sliding doors. Contingency in evolution. Napoli: Filosofia & Saperi.
  63. “Between explanans and explanandum: biodiversity and the theoretical unity of ecology’’, in Biodiversity. Beyond the Species Approach. Casetta E., Vecchi D. (eds), Dordrecht: Springer, forth.
  64. “Outlines of a theory of structural explanations.” Philosophical Studies, DOI 10.1007/s11098-017-0887-4 (2017)
  65. Huneman P., Barberousse A., “L’agriculture (bio) et l’événement. Retour sur un canular métaphysique“, Zilsel, 2016, 1: 159-187.
  66. “Kant’s Concept of Organism Revisited: A Framework for a Possible Synthesis between Developmentalism and Adaptationism?” The Monist, Volume 100, Issue 3, 1 July 2017, pp. 373–390
  67. Huneman P., Martens J. “The behavioural ecology of irrational behaviour.” History and philosophy of life sciences. 3 (23) doi: 10.1007/s40656-017-0150-5.
  68. Huneman P., Vorms M. ‘’Is a Unified Account of Conspiracy Theories Possible?’’ Argumenta, 2017. DOI 10.23811/54.arg2017.hun.vor
  69. Huneman, P., “Realizability and the varieties of explanation“, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsa.2018.01.004
  70. Huneman P. ‘’Neutral spaces and topological explanations in evolutionary biology: lessons from some landscapes and mappings’’ Philosophy of Science, doi.org/10.1086/699759
  71. Maris, V., Huneman, P., Coreau, A., Kéfi, S., Pradel, R. and Devictor, V. (2018), Prediction in ecology: promises, obstacles and clarifications. Oikos, 127: 171–183.
    Huneman P. “Privilèges épistémiques et accommodements déraisonnables.“ Arguments, 20, 2: 40-54
  72. Bapteste E., Huneman P. (2018) “Towards a Dynamic Interaction Network of Life to unify and expand the evolutionary theory“BMC Biology 16:56
  73. Danchin, Huneman, Pocheville “Early in life effects and the concept of heredity; reconciling neo-Darwinism with neo-Lamarckism under the banner of the Inclusive Evolutionary Synthesis” Philosophical Transcations of the Royal Society B. Forthcoming, 2018.
  74. “The Multifaceted Legacy of the Human Genome Program for Evolutionary Biology: An Epistemological Perspective “ Perspectives on Science, 2019 27:1, 117-152
  75. “Revisiting darwinian teleology: A case for inclusive fitness as design explanation“ Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C, 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsc.2019.101188.
  76. “How the Modern Synthesis Came to Ecology“.J Hist Biol 52, 635–686 (2019)
    Niquil N., Haraldsson M., Barett S., Sime-Ngando T., Huneman P. (2020) “Shifting levels of ecological network’s analysis reveals different system properties“, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 10.1098/rstb.2015.0615
  77. “Special Issue “Revisiting the Modern Synthesis”,“ Journal of the history of Biology, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s10739-019-09585-2
  78. Lecointre G., Huneman P. (2020) “Que signifie « se ressembler » en biologie?“ Philosophia Scientiae, https://journals.openedition.org/philosophiascientiae/2304
  79. Gayon J., Huneman P. “The Modern Synthesis: Theoretical or Institutional Event?, Journal of the History of Biology, J Hist Biol 52, 519–535 (2019).
  80. “Essay Review: Exploring the Conceptual Foundations of Post-Hamiltonian Evolutionary Biology—Rationality and Evolution of Social Agents“. Acta Biotheoretica (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10441-020-09380-1
  81. “Contingency, laws and random events: epistemic specificities of the neutral theory in ecology.“ Caianiello S., Ceccarelli D. (eds.) Sliding doors. Contingency in evolution. Napoli: Filosofia & Saperi.
  82. “Between explanans and explanandum: biodiversity and the theoretical unity of ecology’’, in Biodiversity. Beyond the Species Approach. Casetta E., Vecchi D. (eds), Dordrecht: Springer, 2019, pp.269-296..
  83. “Philosophy after philosophy of biology before biology.“ Postface to Bognon-Kuss C., Wolfe C. Philosophy of biology before biology, London: Routledge, 2019
  84. Desmond H., Huneman P. “The Ontology of Organismic Agency: A Kantian Approach.“, in Altobrandi A., Natural born monads. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020
  85. ’’Biological individuality as weak individuality: a tentative study in the metaphysics of science.“ in Biological identity, Meincke AS , Dupré J (eds.), Routledge, 2020.
  86. “Reversibilität/Irreversibilität”. In Alter und Altern. Fuchs M. (ed.) Stuttgart: Metzler. (Forth. 2020)
  87. “Function and Adaptation: A Conceptual Demarcation, Instigated by Borderline Cases for Etiological Theory.” In Functions and functional explanations in biomedical and social sciences. Gayon J, de Ricqles A, Dussault A. Dordrecht: Springer. 2015. (Translated from the french (17)).
  88. “ Inclusive fitness teleology and Darwinian explanatory pluralism : a theoretical sketch and an application to current controversies“ in Biosemiotics: The Natural Foundations of Symbolism, E. Pagni, RS Theisen (ed), Dordrecht, Springer, 2021.
  89. Chavalarias D. Huneman P., Racovski T. “Contribution of phylomemies to the understanding of the dynamics of science“ in The dynamics of science. Ramsey G., De Block A. (eds) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021.

Kant, concept of organism and genealogy of modern biology.

  1. L’espace selon Kant et Poincaré », Philosophie, 48, december 1994
  2. « Critique et dialectique. La Critique de la faculté de juger dans le sillage d’Aristote », Philosophie, Minuit, september 2002 (« Critique and dialectics : the CJ in Aristotle’s footsteps »)
  3. « Les théories de l’économie animale et la naissance de l’aliénisme », Psychiatrie, Sciences humaines, Neurosciences,  Paris, II, 2 2004, pp.47-59
  4. « La nature et son Autre : Kant et Leibniz », Les sources de la philosophie kantienne aux XVIIè et XVIIIè siècles, Roger Theis, L. Sosoe (eds.), Paris, Vrin, 2005, 147-157
  5. “Espèce et adaptation chez Kant et Buffon”, Kant et la France-Kant und Frankreich, R. Theis, J.Ferrari, Margit Ruffin (eds.), Olms, 2005, 107-120
  6. « Kant’s critique of the leibnizian conception of organisms : an unnoticed cornerstone of criticism », Yeditipe felisifi (Revue de philosophie de l’université d’Istanbul), 25, 2005, 114-150 [pdf]
  7. « From the Critique of judgment to Hegel’s philosophy of nature», Hegel Jahrbuch 2007. Das Leben denken. Arndt A. (ed.). Berlin : Akademie Verlag, pp.200-205
  8. Animal Economy”: Anthropology and the Rise of Psychiatry from the Encyclopédie to the Alienists”, in Anthropology of the Enlightenment.  Wolff L., Marco Cipolloni M. (ed.), Stanford University Press, ch.14, ,2007
  9.  “ From the Critique of judgement to the hermeneutics of nature: sketching the fate of philosophy of nature after Kant”, Continental philosophy review, 2006, winter, 39:  1-34
  10. “”Naturalizing purpose” : from comparative anatomy to the « adventures of reason.Studies in history and philosophy of life sciences, 2006, 37,4: 621-656
  11. Reflexive judgement and wolffian embryology : Kant’s shift between the first and the third Critique”, in Understanding purpose ? Kant and the philosophy of biology, Huneman P.  (ed.), Publication Series of the North American Kant Society, University of Rochester Press, 2007, pp.75-100.
  12.  « Stahl, Leibniz et la controverse du Negotium otiosum » (with Anne-Lise Rey), in Vie et mort : étapes de la pensée biologique, Huneman (ed.), Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire et d’Epistémologie des Sciences de la Vie, 2007, 14, 2 : 214-238
  13.  « Les fins naturelles sont les êtres organisés » : sens et conséquences », Critique de la faculté de juger: beauté, vie, liberté. C. Bouton, F. Brugère (eds.). Paris, Vrin, 2007, pp.153-164
  14. « L’aliénisme, la nosologie et la décomposition des fonctions mentales », in L’explication fonctionnelle en psychologie, F. Parot (ed.), Bruxelles, Mardaga, 2008, pp.49-66
  15. “L’analytique des jugements biologiques et l’amétaphysique de la vie”, Proceedings of the Xth International Kantcongress, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2008, III, pp.651-665
  16. « La conception aristotélicienne de l’analogie », in L’usage opératoire de l’analogie en sciences, M.J.Durand-Richard éd., Paris, L’Harmattan, 2007, pp.30-60
  17. Montpellier Vitalism and the Emergence of Alienism in France (1750–1800): The Case of the Passions“, Science in Context, 2008,21(4): 1–33.
  18. «L’unité de l’histoire naturelle et de la métaphysique dans l’Unique fondement », Kant avant la critique, L. Langlois (ed .), Paris, Vrin, 2009, pp.57-67.
  19. “The hermeneutic turn in philosophy of nature”, Edinburgh Critical History of Philosophy, Alison Stone, eds., Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011, pp.pp.69-88.
  20. Natural Sciences” Press,  in press, 2012.  The Cambridge History of 19th century philosophy. Wood, S. Hahn (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 201-240.      
  21. La place de l’analytique de la biologie dans la philosophie transcendantale.”  Kant, la science et les sciences, M. Le Quan (ed.), Paris, Vrin,  2011
  22.  “Théorie kantienne des organismes et révision transcendantale du concept métaphysique de finalité. Kant  P. Osmo, M. Foessel (eds.) Paris : Ellipses, 2010, pp.219-234.
  23. « Evolution, Finalité et religion »,  Science et religion, L. Maurines (ed.), Paris, Vuibert,  2010, pp.
  24. Possibility, necessity and purposiveness: the metaphysical novelties in the Critique of Judgement”  Kant’s theory of biology Goy and E. Watkins (eds.) Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014, pp. 185-202.
  25. Adaptation et hérédité : la conception kantienne des espèces et des races.” O.Agard (ed.), Paris, à paraitre, 2011.
  26. ““Entre folie et passion. Médecine de l’économie animale et aliénisme dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIème siècle”, Penser les passions à l’âge classique. Desjardins, D. Dumouchel (eds.), Paris: Hermann, 2012, pp. 247-288.
  27.  « Ecrire le cas : Pinel aliéniste”,  Philosophie, 2013, 3: 67-94.
  28. Writing the Case—Pinel as PsychiatristThe Republics of letters, Vol. 3 (2) http://arcade.stanford.edu/rofl/writing-case-pinel-psychiatrist-0
  29. “De la conception religieuse de la folie à la manie religieuse : l’Encyclopédie, Pinel, Equirol.”  PSN, 2013, 1: 69-106
  30. From a religious view of madness, to religious madness” (adapted and translated from  of (24)), History of psychiatry, forthcoming 2017.
  31. Philippe Huneman et Charles Wolfe, “Man-machines and embodiment from La Mettrie to Bernard” In Figures of embodiment, J. Smith (ed), Oxford University Press, 2016
  32. “The Unity of The Only Possible Argument: Theology and Philosophy,” Contemporary Kantian Philosophy, 4 (2019): 72-84.


Various writings on conspiracy theory , politics of science and science denial

The true cost of conspiracy theoriesOpen Democracy , Nov. 2015.

“L’activité débilitante de la science contemporaine.“. Zilsel, 2018, 4: 131-154

En français:

« Le climatoscepticisme relève-t-il de la science ? » Le Monde, 2 Novembre 2015.

« Anti-science ? OGM et climat, les sceptiques ne sont pas les mêmes. » The conversation. 10 Novembre 2015.

« Climatosceptiques et opposants aux OGM : erreurs sur les méthodes. » The conversation. 10 Novembre 2015.

“Climat et OGM : hostilité de principe contre questionnement critique. » The conversation. 11 Novembre 2015.

(Texte intégral en une seule partie)

La fabrique des IlluminatiPhilosophie Magazine, Février 2016